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... posted on Aug 11 2001, 680 reads


An international award celebrates the daily victories of a determined woman born without limbs but with a will to succeed. Though every move of every day poses a challenge - from answering the phone to powering up her desktop - she's not much for bitterness or self-pity. "Your life is what you put into it," said Rindfleisch, fresh off a whirlwind tour of Washington and an audience with Preside... posted on Aug 10 2001, 2,120 reads


Timothy Treadwell loves Grizzly Bears. In fact, he loves them so much he lives with them.... posted on Aug 09 2001, 1,029 reads


Sustained positive emotion has been correlated with increased cognitive flexibility and innovative problem solving, improved decision making, creativity, job performance and achievement.... posted on Aug 08 2001, 1,041 reads


Proving that there are still all sorts of exciting discoveries to be made, scientists have identified eleven previously unknown planets, one of which has the potential to support life.... posted on Aug 07 2001, 761 reads


Greenpeace activists set up shop in a "guerrilla garage" in an abandoned building in London and started giving away free tanks of petrol to astonished motorists. The fuel wasn't gas; it was bio-diesel fuel made from crops. Greenpeace spokesperson Matthew Spence explained the giveaway was intended to drive home the point that "we can switch to green fuels right now and make a huge reduction in the ... posted on Aug 06 2001, 882 reads


Remember when it seemed like the Soviet Union and the United States were on the verge of nuclear Armageddon? Well, things have changed: now we're sharing power peacefully - at least in space. The US and Russia celebrate the return of the space shuttle Discovery's first crew. ... posted on Aug 05 2001, 754 reads


A Harvard Medical School Study of 1,623 heart attack survivors found that when subjects became angry during emotional conflicts, their risk of subsequent heart attacks was more than double that those that remained calm.... posted on Aug 04 2001, 864 reads


More than just a pretty face, Models with Conscience (MWC) "operates on the premise that models are irresistibly radiant when their conscience is clear." Members of MWC won't wear fur and refuse to promote products that involve animal testing. Instead, they actively promote cruelty-free cosmetics, fragrances and hair-care products. Founded by model Heather Chase, MWC also donates a portion of i... posted on Aug 03 2001, 1,010 reads


Being the class valedictorian is notable for anyone. Then there's Lee Alderman, a student with autism, graduating at the top of his class in the nation's capital.... posted on Aug 02 2001, 721 reads


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